Mission Statement
Ingleside Tutorial follows Charlotte Mason’s principles and methods of education providing students with excellent, challenging, gospel-centric education during the morning hours, while leaving afternoons to the family for personal development and community service.
Welcome to Ingleside Tutorial
Ingleside Tutorial partners with parents to nourish the minds of their children through a Christ-centered, classic liberal arts education. We view children as whole persons with the innate capacity for vast intellect and an inherent desire for what is true, good, and beautiful. Our approach provides children with a feast of learning along with access to the beautiful outdoors, stimulating learning environments, and an array of living books and resources that captivate the mind and encourage thoughtful learning and interaction.
Who Is Charlotte Mason?
Charlotte Mason was a British educator whose educational philosophy and methodology followed the natural human formation …
Gospel Centric
Gospel Centric Education It is the relationship with God – our “most intimate and highest of all relationships” – that calls us to go beyond …
Educational Principles
Charlotte Mason distilled her educational philosophy for children into 20 principles. Read the originals with a helpful summary here…