

Every day, every hour, the parents are either passively or actively forming those habits in their children upon which, more than upon anything else, future character and conduct depend…

Our Model

Our model offers parents more time for imparting the values they hold dear while still providing the benefits of an organized educational community.  With this educational model, each family will have more time together to serve the Lord, one another, and the community to which He has called them.
Thanks to the culture of the classroom and extensive use of narration, students often desire to talk all about that which they are learning.  This should be encouraged!  The schedule also allows for children to have space to explore, play, do chores, focus on habit training, develop skills and interests, and have time to do life together with their siblings and parents.  Periodically, parent training will be offered to equip parents in living out the model Charlotte Mason presents.

Preparing for Ingleside Tutorial

Parents are responsible for registering their homeschooling status with their respective states.

Please see for more information regarding your state’s requirements. Many families choose to register with church-related umbrella schools of which there are a few options.

Ingleside’s Response to COVID-19

We at Ingleside want to balance the very real concern of illness with the very real need for a safe, peaceful environment where learning thrives.

Since the pandemic began, we have taken sensible measures to respond to COVID-19 and promote safety without creating a fearful environment.

If a student is sick whether it’s potentially COVID or another illness, we ask that the student stay home. Our general policy is children must be fever free without the aid of fever reducing medicines for 24 hours before returning to school. If the student has COVID, we ask that current CDC guidelines be followed.

What is Ingleside doing about COVID-19?

Protecting ourselves against illness is an individual responsibility. We as families are the first line of defense: instilling healthy hygiene habits happens at home. While your child is at Ingleside, we are committed to reinforcing these habits. Here’s how we’ll work to minimize risk:

  • Have lessons outdoors whenever possible

  • Clean and sanitize school areas each day

  • Have school areas supplied with tissues, touch-free trash cans, and hand sanitizer.

  • Train and encourage personal responsibility for covering coughs and hand washing (classes will sanitize their hands before and after field time and meals.)

  • Train staff on protocols, so students hear one clear message from all staff.

  • Create a roster of trained backup staff in the event a staff person must stay home.

  • Wearing a mask is a personal matter. If your student is more comfortable or you as a parent are more comfortable having your student wear a mask at Ingleside, we fully support your decision.

Please note Ingleside will not take responsibility for making sure your student keeps on her/his mask. We will, however, take opportunities to encourage students to obey their parents/honor their authority including the wearing of masks, social distancing, etc. Likewise, we will encourage students to honor and respect others’ various opinions and responses to what’s happening in the world around us.